Those who will be attending our banquet tonight with Arthur Blessitt (of the movie "The Cross") are in for an amazing ride! God is up to something huge! Hope you experience "a huge day" in the Lord as well.
Eddie Smith
Internationally known speaker, best selling Christian author, consultant and mentor, his specialty is coaching writers. Itinerant evangelist 16 yrs; pastor 14 yrs; international prayer leader 16 yrs; including “ghostwriting,” Eddie’s written too many books to mention. His and Alice's books are at: Their FREE 52-week School of Prayer is at: Postings here are by inspiration, not perspiration. Feel free to check back from time to time.
About Me
- Name: Eddie Smith
- Location: Houston, Texas, United States
An internationally-known Christian speaker, best selling author, business and ministry marketing consultant, and life coach.