Eddie Smith

Internationally known speaker, best selling Christian author, consultant and mentor, his specialty is coaching writers. Itinerant evangelist 16 yrs; pastor 14 yrs; international prayer leader 16 yrs; including “ghostwriting,” Eddie’s written too many books to mention. His and Alice's books are at: www.PrayerBookstore.com Their FREE 52-week School of Prayer is at: www.TeachMeToPray.com Postings here are by inspiration, not perspiration. Feel free to check back from time to time.

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

An internationally-known Christian speaker, best selling author, business and ministry marketing consultant, and life coach.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Alice and I were newly wed evangelists who lived on the road in a motor home. We became so financially challenged at one point that we were concerned we'd not be able to make ends meet.
So the next year, we double-tithed (20% of our
income) to our church. By year's end, we were more financially burdened than we were at the beginning. And yes, we were careful about our stewardship.
The next year I suggested that we triple tithe. So, we began doing so.
Thankfully, in February of that year, God revealed to us why our giving wasn't producing a return. Learn 10 reasons GIVERS can be financially strapped. Call and order the teaching CD. 800-569-4825