Eddie Smith

Internationally known speaker, best selling Christian author, consultant and mentor, his specialty is coaching writers. Itinerant evangelist 16 yrs; pastor 14 yrs; international prayer leader 16 yrs; including “ghostwriting,” Eddie’s written too many books to mention. His and Alice's books are at: www.PrayerBookstore.com Their FREE 52-week School of Prayer is at: www.TeachMeToPray.com Postings here are by inspiration, not perspiration. Feel free to check back from time to time.

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

An internationally-known Christian speaker, best selling author, business and ministry marketing consultant, and life coach.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Has God Shown Up Lately?

Years ago, when I was a local pastor, one of my men asked
me in passing, "Pastor, if we get a chance, could we sing my
favorite song this coming Sunday night?"

Dryly (typical of my humor) I said, "I think not, Charles.
We don't worship you."

A couple of years later, during an interview with an editor of
a popular worship magazine I shared that encounter. Perhaps
misunderstanding my humor she asked in a rather condescending
tone, reminiscent of my mother's responses when I irritated her
as a child, "Then Eddie, JUST WHOSE favorite songs do you sing?"

Again dryly, I responded, "Mary, we sing God's favorites songs."

That obviously stressed her a little more, and she said, "Oh, I see.
And I suppose YOU KNOW which are God's favorite songs."

"Yes, Ma'am, we do."

"And exactly HOW would YOU know what God's favorite songs are?"

"It's simple, Mary. When we sing them, God shows up!" I said brightly.

Still miffed she pressed, "And just how is it that you KNOW God when
'God shows up'?"

I replied, "Why Mary. If you have to ask the question, it's obvious
that He hasn't shown up yet."

I pray he shows up in your life and mine today.


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